• Micro-retirement is Gen Z's answer to burnout

    From TheCivvie@999:1/10 to All on Sunday, February 23, 2025 18:42:20
    en Z want to 'make the most' of their youth (Picture: Getty Images)

    Gen Z workers who are fed up with the corporate grind are taking micro-retirements for a better work-life balance.

    The trend, which has emerged on TikTok, sees workers stepping away from their jobs for extended breaks, despite being far away from the traditional retirement age.

    According to videos posted on the app, micro-retiring allows them to focus on themselves, 'make the most of their youth' and 'optimise their mental health'.

    'It's basically where, throughout your career, you take time off instead of waiting and deferring until you're older to take all of your retirement,' TikTok user @anaisfelt explained.

    Having been on a micro-retirement for six months after quitting her corporate job, she claims she's 'never felt better' and 'highly recommends it.'

    The creator explained she saved a 'sizeable chunk' of money which allowed her to take the break.

    The length of time can vary from a few weeks to a year, or even longer, with people using the time to travel, work on personal projects, or recover from burnout. Many plan to return to work feeling more refreshed and motivated afterwards.

    In another video, British creator Adama Lorna told her followers: 'It's this idea that instead of waiting until you're 60 or 70 to travel the world and try and indulge in hobbies, you do them when you have your youth, energy and health
    - you dot them around your life.'

    She added that the mini-retirements 'frees up your mind to think about so many other things'.

    However, not everyone is convinced by the trend. Some have dismissed it as nothing more than an extended holiday.

    'You're literally just going on holiday,' one person commented under the video. Another added: 'In other countries, they just take a holiday and have retirement too.'

    Others wonder how you would transition back into the workplace after such a long break. 'How do you possibly go back to work after the break?' one user wrote. While some questioned how much you would need to fund the career break.

    The phrase 'micro-retirement' was first described in The 4-Hour Workweek, a self-help and career guidance book published in 2007 by Tim Ferriss.

    With the retirement age set to rise from the current age of 66 and becoming further out of reach for Gen Z, many are opting for these short breaks to avoid delaying their personal fulfilment and well-being.

    Metro spoke to psychologist and careers expert Dr George Sik at eras to explain why the recent trend is more than simply taking a holiday.

    He explains: 'Micro-retiring is quite different from a holiday or even a standard career break. A holiday is typically a short escape, lasting a couple of weeks, and while it provides rest, it doesn't allow for the deep reset needed to truly combat burnout or reassess career goals.

    'Many people return from holidays still feeling workplace stress or quickly falling back into the same routine.'

    Dr Sik claimed that micro-retirement can be a proactive way to combat burnout by allowing individuals to 'fully recharge' - rather than just finding ways to manage stress day-to-day.

    https://metro.co.uk/2025/02/22/micro-retirement-gen-zs-answer-burnout-important -22607218/

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