if you suffer from Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you must be careful when indulging. Bread
comprises mainly carbohydrates, which break down into glucose. Because diabetics
often have blood glucose levels that are above normal, eating bread may result in a
spike in blood sugar levels.
In recent years there�s been a proliferation of specialty food made available, in stores or
online, that cater to the diabetic. You can seek out these foods to fit your taste and
budget, or you can enjoy certain types of normal bread products, keeping in mind some
simple rules to prevent dangerous changes in blood sugar levels.
Keep it Grainy
One of the best pieces of advice for diabetics who want to eat bread is to remember to
purchase varieties that are made from whole grains. Heavily processed breads like
white bread often contain high quantities of simple starches that break down and enter
the bloodstream rapidly.
This phenomenon could possibly trigger a spike in blood glucose levels and the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms. By sticking to whole grains � a good example
is whole wheat bread with seeds � the proportion of complex carbohydrates is kept
relatively high. This is because whole wheat bread contains all three components of the
wheat grain: the germ, the bran and the endosperm.
The glucose within whole wheat bread is released into the bloodstream and metabolized
more slowly than that in heavily processed white bread, which does not contain all three
components of the grain. This means potentially dangerous spikes in blood glucose can
be avoided if you stick to whole wheat bread.
Keep it Mixed
When you�re standing in front of the huge variety of breads that are available at your
local grocery store, it�s important to remember that most of the nutrition in bread is in
the germ and the bran components.
If you�re eating white bread, you�re forsaking that important nutrition, as well as fibre
for regularity. This should be reason enough to steer your cart away from white bread if
you suffer from diabetes!
Here are some steps you can take to ensure you�re putting the right type of bread in
your shopping basket:
- Look at the nutrition facts before you even consider putting the item in your cart.
Choose bread that contains at least 2 grams of fibre per slice. If they have more than
that, it�s an even better scenario! Remember, eating plenty of fibre helps to keep you
regular and helps your body process toxins. It also helps promote a feeling of satiety so
you don�t fill up on foods with empty calories that may cause your blood sugar to spike.
- When comparing different types of bread, stick to brands that contain lower quantities
of sugar, fat and sodium. Sugar is quickly metabolized to glucose, and less sugar is
generally healthier and less caloric. White bread often contains high levels of sugar, fat
and sodium. A reduction in the amount of sodium consumed can help positively regulate
blood pressure, which is an important part of maintaining good health for diabetics.
- The serving size per slice of bread varies widely from brand to brand � by sticking to a
brand that contains larger-than-average slices, you may be consuming more calories
than you intended. According to government guidelines, the average slice of bread
should weigh about 30 g and contain 15 g of carbohydrates. Since this can varies
between bread brands and types, it may be worth your while to invest in a food scale to
more accurately track the calories you are consuming. Closely monitoring food intake is
an important part of overall health for diabetics.
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