(Written by Nicola Di Pietro)
First, let's see what causes plaques, in order to get rid of it.
Then we'll see what helps to prevent and, possibly, reverse the process.
1) High glycemic index carbohydrates. Glucose spikes, and subsequent insulin spikes,
ÿ Endothelial damage that starts and worsens the process
ÿ Depletion of Nitric Oxide, which prevents arterial dilation and dramatically reduces
blood flow
ÿ Increased levels of Arachidonic Acid and its pro-inflammatory, pro-coagulant, pro-
vasoconstriction byproducts
2) Omega-6 fatty acids (canola oil, corn oil, vegetable oils [except oils from olives,
avocados, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, and only HIGH OLEIC varieties of Safflower
and Sunflower seeds), which provide the precursor of Arachidonic Acid
1) Omega3 fatty acids, which partially compensate the effects of insulin spikes (see
above) on the increase of Arachidonic Acid levels (specifically long chain EPA from fish
and fish oils [use molecularly distilled fish oils to prevent the intake of heavy metals,
dioxin and other marine pollutants] - because the short chain omega3 fatty acids from
vegetable sources [flax seeds and oils] are not effective, need many enzymatic steps to
become EPA and, furthermore, with time they inhibit the same enzymes that are supposed to convert them in EPA). In other words they do the opposite of what insulin
and carbs do: anti-inflammatory effect, reduce inflammation in the blood vessels, vaso-
dilation, improved blood flow, etc.
2) Pomegranate (possible concentrate extracts): able to prevent the endothelial damage
caused by glucose spikes
3) Gamma Tocopherol: the only form of Vitamin E to be taken. Do not use supplements
that contain more Alpha Tocopherol than Gamma. The Alpha Tocopherol depletes the
levels of Gamma tocopherols in the body. The Gamma Tocopherol is able to completely
prevent the nitric oxide depletion caused by the meal's glucose spikes and the subsequent impediment of the arterial dilation.
4) Taurine: excellent amino acid with many beneficial properties, including an improved
management of the carbohydrate intake, insulin levels and sensitivity (indirect help) and
improved blood flow (direct help). It also grows new neurons in the areas of brain
involved in memory and learning (which is an appreciated plus)
5) Alpha Lipoic Acid: it helps both indirectly and directly. Studies show that it prevent
arterial plaques. And it helps glucose metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity and
reduces insulin needs and levels. By lowering insulin levels and increasing insulin
sensitivity it indirectly acts on many of the above mentioned effects involving
Arachidonic Acid and inflammatory processes.
Ah by the way, about 75-80% of the cholesterol we have in our blood is not the cholesterol we eat from fat sources. It's the cholesterol produced by our liver, through
the enzyme HMG-CoA Reductase. Well, what over-stimulates this enzyme to synthesize
more cholesterol? Insulin spikes, induced by high glycemic index carbs. And the
cholesterol itself isn't even "bad". The "oxidized" cholesterol molecules are detrimental.
What oxidizes the cholesterol molecules? glucose spikes.
For these reasons white sugar (sucrose) is not healthy and has to be limited to no more
than 20 g / day. It doesn't contain fats. It doesn't contain cholesterol. It's not "meat".
It's not "animal". It's not "fried". But it's unhealthy. Why? Because of what I wrote
above. Well, would it be completely insane and crazy to eat 300 g. of white sugar every
day as carb source? Of course it would. It's 60 teaspoons every day. You need to know
that starch sources (pasta, bread, cornflakes, baked products), even zero fat ones, even
"WHOLE" grain varieties, have the same (and in many cases a higher) ability as white
sugar to increase blood glucose levels. Which means by eating normal "healthy"
portions of them, people is eating something like the mentioned 40-60 teaspoons per
day of white sugar. It's not a coincidence cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are
spreading worldwide.
Hope this helps, and wish you all the best and a winning intervention on your arterial
Full story:
https://www.quora.com/What-foods-and-drinks-help-reverse-the-build-up-of- cholesterol-in-the-arteries
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