Straight after a workout/exercise, it is important to stretch and then consume some
protein in liquid form e.g. protein shake to refuel and recover. Because after a workout
or exercise the most important requirement of your body is Protein with Water . I
suggested to take that in water Because that will start digesting instantly and it will get
digested completely with in next 30ÿ45 mins .
The body of a healthy lean man is composed of roughly 62 percent water, 16 percent fat,
16 percent protein, 6 percent minerals, and less than 1 percent carbohydrate, along with
very small amounts of vitamins and other miscellaneous substances.
And even after gym every one should track their protein intake of whole day.
How much protein you should consume in a day is explained below.
SALT, SUGAR, & OIL are your enemies less you consume them closer you get to your
goals. ALL THE BEST.
Posted by: Prashant Panghal
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