• Dutch insurance

    From Floris van Unen@999:31/1 to All on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 14:46:02

    Hello everybody!

    okay, so on Dutch insurance for Healthcare. It is mandatory to have a what we call Basic insurance per person. You pay monthly price per the 1st month you turn 18. Then there is a 'own risk'. This is a yearly set amount by government; for 2025 it is 385 euro for the year. So the first 385 euro's on healthcare you pay out of own pocket, to the insurance company. Excempt from own-risk is GP, childbirth, chronic illness (diabetes type 2, COPD and such), local nurses, organ donation and Combined Lifestyle Intervention. You can get a payment plan for own-risk. You can get a discount from your insurance if you opt for a higher own-risk.
    Insurance companies have yearly contracts with healthcare companies/institutes (including hospitals). This creates lower tariffs for patients. But you have to double-check that your healthcare supplier has a contract, otherwise you end up paying out of your own pocket.
    You pick an insurance company based on contracts, what they cover in optional packages, and the monthly fee. The average monthly fee in 2015 was 99 euro's, now it's 158 euro's.

    some sample prizes:
    hospitalisation per day 500 euro.
    ambulance between 700-800 euro.
    dentist periodic check 27 euro.
    dentist xray 20 euro per picture.


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